
The BACPR represents all professionals involved in cardiovascular disease prevention and rehabilitation


Promoting Excellence in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Rehabilitation

To support health professionals in the development, delivery and assessment of evidence-based, individualised programmes of prevention and rehabilitation which have been appropriately funded and which are accessed both by individuals with established Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and those with significant CVD risk factors.

View our 3 year strategic plan

BACPR is a membership organisation representing and serving the needs of all professionals involved in cardiovascular disease prevention and rehabilitation.  As an affiliated group of the British Cardiovascular Society (BCS), the BACPR was first established as the British Association for Cardiac Rehabilitation (BACR) in 1993 as a multi-disciplinary body. To date it continues in this light with its membership consisting of an array of disciplines involved in cardiovascular health, including: nurses, physiotherapists, cardiologists, GPs, dieticians, psychologists, occupational therapists, exercise physiologists and exercise instructors.

BACPR Education coordinates both the well-respected BACPR Specialist Level 4 Exercise Instructor qualification and a range of short Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses for health and exercise professionals involved in cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation all recognised by BCS and Skills Active/Chartered Institution for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA). Delegates receive comprehensive peer reviewed course material and all courses are delivered by specialist professionals from the UK currently involved in the field of cardiovascular rehabilitation.

For a summary of our annual activity click below: